Spring Cleaning/Organizing Extravaganza 2009
This winter has been a long one. Having lived in Utah and Montana prior to moving to Maine, I figured I was accustomed to a good snowy winter. Well, I was wrong. After a winter full of freezing rain, Nor' Easters bringing 16-24 inches of snow per storm, and days on end of 0 degree temperatures I have never welcomed spring so openly!
Unfortunately, under all of the snow lies the yard that did not happen to be tended to before all of the snow came. I once heard my husband say "you worry about the inside honey and I'll take care of the outside." I reminded him of this statement and, thankfully as I type, he is outside cleaning out the garage and coming up with a strategy on how to reclaim our yard.
My inside job of organizing has been going on for the seven years that I've lived in this house. Roommates have come and gone, I've added a husband, two kids, and the woman I care for, which all means a lot of stuff to keep track of! I am proud to say that during this long winter I have managed to clean out every single drawer, closet, and cabinet in the entire house. I am the queen of "Clean Sweeping" and I finally feel as though I am nearing the enlightened state of being an organized person.
Unless I add a major addition to our house, there are no other possible spaces to store things. I still have those nagging items that just don't seem to belong anywhere. Since the addition is a five year plan I have decided to tackle round two of my organizing frenzy and focus on more efficiently storing all of the items that I have decided are worthy of staying in the house. I'm off to browse the online wonder store so called "The Container Store." http://www.containerstore.com/
ooh, the container store sounds right up my alley. I do like my containers!!