Saturday, March 21, 2009

Really, Another Blog?

Ever since I quit my job last summer, my mind has been spinning out of control. At first I had so much information stored that I no longer needed. After a few months of restless nights full of the strangest dreams, I've seemed to let it all go. Whew!

The release of all of this information has left room in my brain for a large variety of new, wandering, and aimless thoughts, ideas, and day dreams!

I've finally decided that a blog just might be the perfect outlet for me. What a great way to sound off all of the randomness happening between my ears!

Here it goes, my first official blog entry:

I Need Some Focus!

I'm obsessed. What do I want to be when I grow up? Do we want to stay in this house, or is it time to move on? I need a bigger tent. I want to go on a road trip, a cruise, and make it back to Utah to spend time with my family. The girls need Easter dresses and swimsuits. What party theme should I go with for the girl's birthdays next month? I want to tear out the ugly bush in the front yard. Where do I stop?

Since being home full-time, I admit that I have much more time to think about all of these things. After I think about all of this stuff I feel guilty that I'm not thinking about more important things. Should I volunteer somewhere? I MUST finish college! I need to do more to help the environment. I feel ignorant about the big world around me. How am I going to make a positive mark?

I love my computer! I research all of the above topics and many more on a regular basis. I have decided that I am destined to use my computer to do whatever it is I am going to do. While this realization has provided a sense of focus for me, it has also opened a huge can of worms!

I plan to use this blog to keep track of the ideas that I've had and the solutions that I've come up with. I am not going to worry about what I write making sense or mattering to anyone else, but please feel free to add your two cents to anything I post!

I have to stop typing now. I could go on forever!

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